Memeverse, The First Multi Chain Metaverse Operating on ETH, SOL, BASE, and More! Join The Presale starting July 1st! Memeverse, The First Multi Chain Metaverse Operating on ETH, SOL, BASE, and More! Join The Presale starting July 1st! Memeverse, The First Multi Chain Metaverse Operating on ETH, SOL, BASE, and More! Join The Presale starting July 1st! Memeverse, The First Multi Chain Metaverse Operating on ETH, SOL, BASE, and More! Join The Presale starting July 1st! Memeverse, The First Multi Chain Metaverse Operating on ETH, SOL, BASE, and More! Join The Presale starting July 1st! Memeverse, The First Multi Chain Metaverse Operating on ETH, SOL, BASE, and More! Join The Presale starting July 1st!

MemeVerse Introduction Video

Welcome to MemeVerse

Stake your $MVO tokens to earn rewards in multiple ways

Earn Meme Tokens

Receive rewards in various popular meme tokens.

Casino Revenue Sharing

Get a share of the revenue from our exciting new casino.

In-Game Purchases

Gain additional rewards through in-game spending.


Compete and win exclusive prizes.

Mountain Banner Footer


Introducing Memeverse Bet

Welcome to MemeVerse Bet, where fun meets opportunity! Experience Thrilling Casino Games and Share in the Rewards! Our casino offers a variety of exciting games designed to keep you entertained and engaged. By participating in our casino, you can earn rewards and share in the revenue by staking $MVO token.

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Rise to Glory

Experience the thrill of competition in MemeVerse's Leaderboards. Whether you're an individual meme token holder or part of a powerful clan, our Leaderboards are your path to recognition and rewards.

Stake your MVO tokens, participate in challenges, and accumulate points to climb the ranks on the Individual Leaderboard. Form or join clans, strategize, and compete for top positions on the Clan Leaderboard, with weekly prizes including exclusive NFTs and tokens.

The Leaderboards are your chance to shine, showcase your dedication, and claim your spot in the meme coin hall of fame. Rise to glory in MemeVerse's dynamic arena!

Memeverse Universe Characters

Introducing a cast of unforgettable characters from the Memeverse Universe. These iconic figures will bring humor, excitement, and unique abilities to your gaming experiences. Stay tuned as they make their appearances across various Memeverse games!

Staking Portal

Your Gateway to Multi-Token Rewards

Discover the Staking Portal in MemeVerse, your gateway to a world of multi-token rewards and engagement. By staking your MVO tokens, you not only unlock seamless earnings but also receive various meme tokens as rewards. Stay updated in real time, enjoy top-notch security, and actively engage with our vibrant community. Join the staking revolution today and watch your rewards soar in diversity!.

NFT Airdrop

As part of our exciting journey in MemeVerse, we're introducing a unique opportunity for our community. Holders who contribute over $500 during our presale will be eligible for an exclusive NFT airdrop. These special NFTs represent virtual plots within our metaverse, each with its distinct characteristics and possibilities for customization. NFT holders will have the freedom to trade their virtual real estate on any compatible NFT marketplace, adding an extra layer of engagement and value to their MVO token holdings. It's our way of saying 'thank you' to our dedicated community members and empowering them to become virtual owners in the MemeVerse universe.


Introducing P2E Gaming with $MVO

Welcome to the future of gaming with MemeVerse and the $MVO token. Our Play-to-Earn (P2E) gaming ecosystem offers a thrilling experience where you can immerse yourself in a wold of memes and tokens. Compete, strategize, and earn rewards like never before. Wheather you're exploring the MemeVerse MetaVerse, embarking on adventure with MemeVerseGO, engaging in epic battles in MemeVerse Royale, or participating in meme sports with MemeVerse Sports, $MVO is your gateway to endless gaming possibilities. Join us and be part of the revolution where playing is not just fun; it's also rewarding.

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1 Presale Launch:

1 Presale Launch: Kick off the journey with our presale event, offering exclusive early access to $MVO tokens and unique rewards for participants.


2 Community Building:

Engage with our growing community through social media platforms, Telegram, Discord, and interactive events. Foster a vibrant ecosystem of meme enthusiasts and gamers.


3 $MVO Listings on Exchanges:

Secure listings on major exchanges to increase accessibility and liquidity for $MVO tokens. Enhance visibility and attract new users to the MemeVerse ecosystem.


4 Casino Goes Live:

Introducing MemeVerse Bet, where fun meets opportunity! Experience Thrilling Casino Games and Share in the Rewards! Our casino offers a variety of exciting games designed to keep you entertained and engaged. By participating in our casino, you can earn rewards and share in the revenue by staking $MVO tokens.


5 Staking Goes Live:

Introduce staking functionality, allowing users to stake $MVO tokens and earn rewards. Empower community members to actively participate in the MemeVerse ecosystem while earning rewards.


6 Game Development Milestones:

Roll out exciting game development milestones, including beta testing, demo releases, marketplace, and gameplay teasers. Keep the community informed and engaged as we approach the launch of our flagship games.


7 Launch Final Games:

Celebrate the culmination of our journey with the official launch of MemeVerse games. Immerse players in a dynamic metaverse filled with endless meme-inspired adventures, competitions, and rewards.

Our Team

Meet our team




Project Lead

Meme Runner


Myster Meme


Umair Khan

UI/UX / Developer


Frequently Asked Questions

What is MemeVerse?
MemeVerse is a revolutionary project that merges meme coins with an immersive virtual universe. It offers a platform where meme communities come together, compete, and interact in a dynamic and engaging way.
How can I participate in MemeVerse?
You can participate in MemeVerse by acquiring MVO tokens during our presale or trading on supported exchanges. These tokens are your key to unlocking the full MemeVerse experience.
What can I do in MemeVerse?
In MemeVerse, you can build and upgrade your meme community, compete against other meme communities, stake MVO tokens for rewards, purchase unique NFTs, and engage in a thriving meme economy.
What makes MemeVerse different from other meme coin projects?
MemeVerse stands out by offering an immersive virtual universe where meme communities can interact, compete, and engage with their favorite tokens in unique ways. It combines gaming, NFTs, and meme coins in a single platform. You have the ability to earn any meme token used in MemeVerse just by staking the $MVO token.
Will there be a Presale of the MVO token?
Our presale is an opportunity to acquire MVO tokens early. Stay tuned for announcements on our website and social media channels for details on how to participate in the presale.
What rewards can I earn by staking MVO tokens?
By staking MVO tokens, you can earn rewards from every coin that participates in MemeVerse. The focus is heavy on Meme coins, however, you'll also be earning ETH, USDC, wSOL, etc.. The more you stake, the more rewards you can earn.
Are there any perks for early adopters?
Yes, there are several perks for early adopters.
  • Receive a free NFT airdrop, allowing you to claim a piece of the MemeVerse virtual universe.
  • Founder / VIP Tag: This is a special tag that no one else will have.
  • Unique In Game Items: These items will be randomized.
  • Access to a VIP server in Discord.
Can I use other meme coins within MemeVerse?
Yes, MemeVerse integrates with approved meme coins, allowing you to interact with your favorite tokens within the platform.
What blockchains does MemeVerse support?
MemeVerse will support both Ethereum and Solana blockchains. Our decision to embrace these two prominent chains stems from the fact that many of the most popular and beloved meme tokens reside on Ethereum and Solana. By supporting Ethereum and Solana, we aim to provide a seamless and inclusive experience for meme enthusiasts, ensuring that they can easily access and interact with their favorite tokens within the MemeVerse ecosystem. This strategic move reflects our commitment to fostering innovation and inclusivity within the meme-powered gaming community.
Is MemeVerse safe and secure?
We take security seriously and implement measures to protect your assets.
How can I stake my MVO tokens in MemeVerse?
Staking your MVO tokens is easy. Simply navigate to the staking section of our platform, connect your wallet, and follow the provided instructions to start earning rewards.
What is the total supply of MVO tokens, and is it fixed?
The total supply of MVO tokens is 150,000,000,000. It is a fixed supply, which means no additional tokens will ever be created. In fact, due to our burn transaction fees and burning process, MVO is a deflationary token.
Can I trade MVO tokens on external exchanges?
Yes, you can trade MVO tokens on supported external exchanges. Keep an eye on our announcements for listings and trading pairs.
What is staking in the context of the MVO token and MemeVerse?
Staking with the MVO token in MemeVerse involves locking up a portion of your MVO tokens to participate in various activities and earn rewards within the MemeVerse ecosystem. You can unstake your tokens at any time. Importantly, by staking MVO tokens, you not only contribute to the MemeVerse community but also earn rewards in the form of other meme tokens used within MemeVerse. This unique feature makes staking MVO tokens a rewarding and engaging experience for meme enthusiasts in the MemeVerse metaverse.
What happens when you stake MVO?
Imagine this scenario: You decide to participate in the MVO Token presale, which gives you early access and qualifies you for exclusive perks. As the presale ends, you hold a stash of MVO tokens in your digital wallet, ready to unlock the full potential of the MemeVerse experience. By staking your MVO tokens within the MemeVerse ecosystem, you're not just a holder; you're an active contributor. Your tokens become your gateway to a world of rewards. Every transaction, every upgrade, every interaction within MemeVerse is powered by the MVO token. But that's not all. Here's the game-changer: When you stake your MVO tokens, you start earning rewards in the form of all the other meme tokens used on the site. It's like having a share in every meme coin present within MemeVerse. The more you stake, the larger your slice of the rewards pie. It's a thrilling journey where your holdings not only grow but multiply as you actively engage with the community and the virtual world. But there's another fascinating dimension to the MVO token—its deflationary nature. With every transaction, a portion of the tokens used is permanently burned, reducing the overall supply. This scarcity can help drive up demand, potentially increasing the value of your MVO tokens. It's a delicate balance that rewards long-term holding and active participation. Remember, MVO tokens come with a limited supply, and the more you hold and stake, the more rewards you stand to receive. It's an ecosystem designed to empower you, the community member, by offering a unique blend of utility, rewards, and potential value appreciation. So, whether you're diving into the virtual world, upgrading your assets, or staking for rewards, the MVO token is your key to an extraordinary journey within MemeVerse.
What are the rewards for participating in the MemeVerse leaderboards?
Participating in the MemeVerse leaderboards gives you the chance to earn unique rewards. These rewards can include exclusive NFTs, meme tokens, and other valuable prizes. Compete, climb the ranks, and reap the benefits of your meme gaming prowess.
Can I unstake my MVO tokens anytime, and are there any penalties?
Yes, you can unstake your MVO tokens at any time without incurring penalties. Flexibility is a key feature of our staking system, ensuring you have control over your assets.